The Natural Clinic
Cold, Cough, Flu and Sinus Bundle
Introducing our Cold, Cough, Flu and Sinus Bundle (CCFS) — a comprehensive set of natural remedies to help you navigate through the sniffles and sneezes. This bundle features:
- Soothing Throat Syrup – 160ml
With the power packed combination of ingredients, our Throat Syrup should be used to help soothe an irritated throat, as well as relieve that tickly or chesty cough. This combines well with our natural Chest Rub.
- Soothing Throat Spray – 50ml
This spray should be used at the first sign of a tickly or sore throat and it can be sprayed on as often as you like. The salt, vinegar and Manuka honey can give you instant relief. However, it can also be used prophylactically to stop you actually getting sick, if there are lots of bugs and sick people around.
- Sinus Inhalation – 30ml
Our nose is our first line of defence, whether it is an allergy, cold or sinus infection, doing tZO’s steam inhalation with essential oils gives effective and immediate relief, as it clears the head and congestion.
- Immune Boosting Rollerball – 10ml
Using eight of the top most powerful essential oils, this rollerball is best used as soon as you feel that you are getting sick, or have been exposed to someone with a nasty bug. Rubbing it first at the top of the spine, under your nose, over your glands and on the soles of your feet. Our Immune Boosting Rollerball will help protect you from falling ill.
- Soothing Chest Rub Mini – 15ml
Our chest rubs use three different types of Eucalyptus oils. They effectively help open airways, break down phlegm, and give that immediate relief to your congestion and coughing. Massage your points via our video guide and this comforting solution will help give a restful night's sleep.