An alternative choice of treatments

for healing, health & wellness


to the Natural Clinic

Juliet Kelly Wong, natural therapist

We provide natural treatments customised to each individual. We get to know you by investing our time in comprehensive visits so that we can identify and address the underlying causes of symptoms, and support healing with natural therapies.

With over two decades of experience, Juliet brings her signature blend of natural therapies to every consultation with adults and children with a wide range of issues. Juliet takes the time to tailor her treatments and therapies on you as a whole rather than the specific issue.

natural therapies

Our treatments


A healing therapy based on the use of pure essential oils for physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Traditional Chinese Medecine

Knowing key points on the body that when stimulated restore harmony and balance, your body can literally heal itself in a 100% natural way.


Through pressure along the meridians and on acupoints the meridians are encouraged to flow and when balanced, normal organ function can be restored.


Placements of round glass balls on the body and over acupoints or organs, resulting in suction has a dramatic effect on the immune system of the body.


Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing.


We believe we literally “are what we eat”. Everything we put in our bodies will have either a positive or negative effect.

“Chronic rhinitis cleared in 3 sessions!”

"The first time I went to The Natural Clinic was for my son’s chronic rhinitis that got cleared after 3 sessions. It changed my son’s life. From there on, The Natural Clinic has been my first step in treating all the family from cough to baby colics, from bad sinusitis to neck pain, from teething to flu, and the list goes on.

OUr book: Simply natural health

Harnessing the healing power of nature

A step by step manual to natural health and remedies.
In all my years of practice I have become drawn to the fact that though I am very happy to see my patients, and help them as much as I can, there is also SO much that people can do themselves at home with simple foods, herbs and spices. The same holds true for the acupressure points; It’s not a secret system that only a few can use but is available for everyone and should be taught to doctors and lay people alike so that people can help themselves heal.